Children's Ministry
"Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD…”- Psalm 127:3 The world has often come to view children as an inconvenience. At MSBC we strive to make sure that the next generation is loved, wanted, and ministered to effectively. Our age-graded Sunday School is the cornerstone of our Children’s Ministries, but it doesn’t stop there.
“...Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” –Matt. 25:40. At each of our regularly scheduled, public services we provide a well staffed nursery in a clean, comfortable, safe environment. Our infants and toddlers are well cared for so mom and dad can enjoy the services without the anxiety of worrying about whether their little one can sit through a full service.
Children's Church
Each Sunday morning we have a special Children’s Church for ages 3 through K5. It provides mom and dad the luxury of really enjoying and taking part in the morning worship service as well as giving the child a “service” that he can relate to, understand, and have fun participating in. This service serves as a bridge to Jr. Church at the next age level. Since it can be a long morning for this age group we include a game time to work off the extra energy as well as a light snack. Your child will have a smile on their face when you pick them up after the service.
Jr. Church
6th graders sit together in the Auditorium for the first half of our morning worship service before being dismissed to Jones Hall for Jr. Church. This helps build a bridge to the next level by exposing them to the adult services they will be a part of in their teen years. To that end, Jr. Church is more structured than Children’s Church, but still strives to present the Word of God and engage the child in worship at their level of understanding. Throw in some extras like Bible games and missionary stories and your child will be looking forward to next Sunday.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School
VBS is the highlight of the year for our Children’s ministries. We spend months preparing a program that your 4 year-old through 6th grade child will look forward to each summer. We transform our church auditorium into everything from a western town to a jungle. We use a platform based program that the kids love. It’s not just Kool-Aid and craft paper anymore. This is VBS ramped up to challenge and capturing the imagination of this generation. The kids have loads of fun at game time, and we feed them well. But most important, we have five days to creatively get the Word of God locked into their hearts and minds. Your child will be more excited about church than ever before. Best of all, parents often remark that their child behaves better, shows greater respect, and is easier to get along with after a week of VBS here at Madison Street Baptist Church.
Special Children's Activities
Special Activities
Several times throughout the year we have special activities for the kids. It may be an afternoon at the park, a cookout, or a trip to a museum. Wherever it is, it will be a well supervised time of fun with friends in a Christian environment. Parents are welcome to come along of course. It is our desire to teach kids at an early age that they don’t have to be involved in worldly things to have a good time (I John 2:15-16; 5:4).
Youth Ministry
It is our belief at MSBC that the teen ministry should be focused on helping young men and ladies learn to be what God wants them to be, and on training them to do what God wants them to do. Our teens are challenged and encouraged to develop a personal walk with God at this important time in their lives. Beyond the week to week challenge from the Word of God in our Sunday School and Worship Services, our teens participate in many other activities aimed at impacting their lives so they can have an impact on their world.
Fun & Fellowship
Our teens enjoy regularly scheduled activities that allow them to go to fun places and enjoy the exciting atmosphere that teens thrive on in a safe environment with other Christian teens. Activities are well supervised and age appropriate.
Christian Service Activities
Our teens get an opportunity to do more than just have fun. We give them an opportunity to serve the Lord as well as have fun. Our in-house ministries give teens who are faithful an opportunity to be helpers in Jr. Church, Children’s Church, Bus Ministry, VBS, etc. As you might expect, the teens are supervised, trained, and assisted by adults serving in those same ministries.
Spiritual Growth Opportunities
We hold and/or attend special events throughout the year aimed specifically at challenging teens on a spiritual level. We hold special, one-day youth revival meetings and attend the same at other churches in our area. The highlight of the year for most of our teens is Youth Conference. We attend a national conference each year that has proven to have a lasting impact on the lives of many of our teens.
Young Adult Ministry
Young Adults are facing remarkable challenges in our modern world. Our fast paced, ever changing society makes marriage, parenting, and growing spiritually formidable tasks. At MSBC, we’re making a real effort to equip and edify young adults. We understand that a Christian young adult trying to live a separated life can sometimes feel alone and overwhelmed. For that reason, we try to give our young adults opportunities to fellowship with others who are striving toward the same goals and facing the same challenges.
Young at Heart Ministry
The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness. –Prov. 16:31. At MSBC, we respect the revered place that our Senior Saints have in the Bible. Their decades of sacrifice and service to God are an example to the next generation. Our Young at Heart group is comprised of our members who are at least 55 years of age.
Monthly Fellowship
YAH fellowships are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month. The group enjoys a meal and time of fellowship. Special music, a Christian video or other activity is often combined with the fellowship to make for a special evening with Christian friends.Special Activities
The group also enjoys an occasional day trip to community festivals or attractions. These trips afford an opportunity to fellowship with friends and still be back home before dark. In the fall, a longer trip of two or three days to places like the Smoky Mountains, Stone Mountain, etc. is an opportunity for many to go somewhere with the group that they could not go alone.
Outreach Ministry
At MSBC we take seriously the Lord’s command to reach the world with the gospel. Our Worldwide Missions Program is not only about reaching around the world. It’s also about reaching across the street or across the community. We’re reaching out to Athens/Limestone each week with loving message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Weekly Visitation
Each Thursday night and Saturday morning, we reach out into our community through door to door canvassing as well as visiting friends and other acquaintances. Some of our ministry leaders such as Sunday School teachers and Children’s Ministry leaders use this time as an opportunity to follow-up and minister to those who visit or attend their classes.
Bus Ministry
Each week our bus and vans travel the roads of Athens/Limestone to bring people to church that could not come any other way. While most of our riders are children, we pick up some adults as well. Our workers take great care and invest much of their time to make sure that our kids who ride the bus are well cared for. We have had the joy through the years of seeing kids ride our buses to church, get saved, grow up, and become members and leaders in our church as adults.
Reaching Your Heart
While there is far more to our ministry than just our public services, our ministry does revolve around our public services. When you visit our services you’ll find a warm, friendly atmosphere, and a church family ready to help you feel welcome. All of our regularly scheduled, public services are held in the Main Auditorium.
In an age when church has become increasingly more about people and entertainment, our services are designed to be about Christ and the heart. Our goal is to lift up Christ, get God’s Word into the hearts of people, and see people give their heart to God.
We sing and enjoy uplifting, conservative, spiritual songs that nourish the spirit and exalt the character of God. We believe in worshipping God in spirit and truth. Preaching the Word of God is at the center of our services. We believe that the Bible has the answer for the problems we face every day. Pastor Kennedy preaches Bible centered messages that confront the issues we face in a plain spoken, easily understood manner.
Sunday Morning Preaching Service
This service is the highlight of our week! The messages set the tone for the ministry of our church and provide a unified focus for our church family. Whether it’s an extended series or an individual message, you’re sure to hear the Word of God applied to everyday living in a practical way.
Sunday Evening Preaching Service
The messages on Sunday evening have a focus on the mature Christian. We need to move forward in our walk with God and one of the main goals on Sunday night is to help our church members move forward as spiritual Christians. Building precept upon precept, line upon line (Isa 28:10), the Word of God confronts our lives in a strong and helpful way. Many of our members find the Sunday night services to be some of our most exciting and helpful services.
Wednesday Bible Study
Our midweek service gives the congregation a chance to share its burdens and bind together in prayer. There is a family atmosphere and a genuine love and concern for one another. The Bible Study focuses on the nuts and bolts issues of daily living as well as strengthening our faith. This service can be a great encouragement in the middle of a difficult week.